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时间:2024-04-25   浏览:11次

1、有一种可以跟爱情比较的情感,虽然不细腻但是长久,它叫友情。 There is a kind of emotion that can be compared with love, although not delicate, but long-term, it is called friendship. 2、闺蜜,对我们来说,甚至是比情人更重要的。 Girlfriends are even more important to us than lovers. 3、兄弟就是在你没钱的时候,只要你一句话,他就二话不说的把钱给你的人。 Brother is when you have no money, as long as you say a word, he will give you the money without saying a word. 4、交不论多,得一人可胜百人;交不论久,得一日可谕千古。 No matter how many friends you have, one person will win a hundred; no matter how long you have, one day will tell forever. 5、真正的兄弟,不仅有情义,更有默契,有一种棱角能够承担兄弟间的信任。 True brothers have not only friendship, but also tacit understanding. There is a kind of corner that can bear the trust between brothers. 6、如果友情走到了尽头,不用太过于去挽留。你要相信,好的不会走,会走的不一定会好。 If the friendship has come to an end, don't try to stay too much. You have to believe that the good will not go, will go is not necessarily good. 7、友谊像婚姻一样,其维持有赖于避免不可宽恕的事情。 Friendship, like marriage, is maintained by avoiding unforgivable things. 8、真正的朋友,她每天会损你一百次,却绝不允许别人伤害你一次。 A true friend will hurt you a hundred times a day, but never allow others to hurt you once. 9、青春不只是苟且,更是诗和远方,啤酒和兄弟。 Youth is not only about leisure, but also about poetry and distance, beer and brothers. 10、有朝一日你若出人头地,别忘了曾经陪你共度风雨的那几个兄弟! One day, if you stand out, don't forget the brothers who once accompanied you through the storm! 11、据说,朋友的友情往往建立在互相误解的基础上。恋爱大概也是如此。 It is said that the friendship of friends is often based on mutual misunderstanding. It's probably the same with love. 12、对我而言,可以没有男朋友,但你千万别离开我,我的好闺蜜。 For me, you can have no boyfriend, but don't leave me, my best friend. 13、真正的朋友,在你面前损你,在外人面前拼命维护你。 A true friend is someone who damages you in front of you and protects you in front of outsiders. 14、闺蜜,就是遇事了一阵风凉,再火急火燎帮你解决事儿。 My best friend, I'll help you to solve the problem after a cold wind. 15、要伤姐妹一根汗毛,我定废你天堂!再废你厨房! If you want to hurt your sister, I will abolish your paradise! Waste your kitchen again! 16、小鸟在枝头吱吱喳喳,多像我们当年的窃窃私语,和那一串串格格的笑声。 The birds chirped in the branches, just like our whispers and laughter. 17、别以为经常不见面,感情就淡了。 Don't think that if you don't see each other often, your feelings will fade. 18、不管是友情还是爱情,你来,我热情相拥,你走,我坦然放手。 Let go of friendship, let go of love, let go of you or me. 19、在见面后总会相互问:你吃饭了吗?这是简单的问候,却时刻停留脑海,因为是闺蜜。 After meeting, they always ask each other: have you eaten yet? This is a simple greeting, but always stay in my mind, because I am my best friend. 20、世间最好的东西,莫过于有几个头脑和心地都很正直的严正的朋友。 The best thing in the world is to have a few serious friends who are honest in mind and heart. 21、因为你们都是我的后盾,所以即使前面有千军万马,我也是不怕的。 Because you are all my backing, so even if there are thousands of troops in front of me, I am not afraid. 22、致兄弟,很久不见,再见就像昨天才分开。 To my brother, long time no see. Goodbye, just like yesterday. 23、姐妹和爱情不一样,姐妹能陪你一辈子,那爱情,只能被伤。 Sisters and love is not the same, sisters can accompany you for a lifetime, that love, can only be hurt. 24、成熟的标志不是会说大道理,而是你开始去理解,身边的小事情。 The sign of maturity is not that you can say big things, but that you begin to understand the little things around you. 25、他是不完美,但他是我兄弟。 He's not perfect, but he's my brother. 26、闺蜜就是可以把你的眼泪,瞬间变成笑声的人。 A best friend is someone who can turn your tears into laughter. 27、茫茫人海就像一片戈壁滩,我们就是滩中的沙砾,不过有你的做伴使我不再感到渺小和孤独。 The vast sea of people is like a Gobi desert, we are the sand in the desert, but your company makes me no longer feel small and lonely. 28、闺蜜就是当全世界的人都觉得我是在小题大做时,她却懂得我为什么哭得如此歇斯底里。 My best friend is when people all over the world think I'm making a mountain out of a molehill, she knows why I cry so hysterically. 29、人生朋友分三种:一辈子的、一杯子的、一被子的。 There are three kinds of friends in life: a lifetime, a cup and a quilt. 30、我没有令人羡慕的爱情,但我有令人嫉妒的友情。 I have no enviable love, but I have enviable friendship. 31、愿除了寻求心灵的加深之外,友谊没有别的目的。 May friendship have no other purpose than to seek the deepening of the soul. 32、我们之间,从一开始不熟,变成那么那么亲密的朋友,回想起来就会挂起微笑。 Between us, from the beginning is not familiar, become so close friends, in retrospect will hang up a smile. 33、好朋友就是不求相同喜欢,但求厌恶一致。 A good friend is not for the same likes, but for the same dislikes. 34、好朋友,真的很好。有您在我身边,我很知足。 Good friend, really good. I am content to have you by my side. 35、我走过的青春步步都是你。 Every step of my youth is you. 36、我相信,真正在乎我的人,是不会被别人抢走的,无论是友情,还是爱情。 I believe that people who really care about me will not be robbed by others, whether it is friendship or love. 37、不论身在何方都会互相记着对方,不会疏远不会淡薄就这样每年都记录我们在一起日子。 No matter where we are, we will remember each other. We will not be alienated and indifferent. In this way, we will record our days together every year. 38、真朋友,就算吵架也不影响感情,假朋友,就算玩得再嗨也只是演戏。 True friends, even if the quarrel does not affect feelings, fake friends, even if play again hi is just acting. 39、用狡计去害友人的人,自己将陷于危险埋伏之中。 He who uses cunning to harm his friends will be in danger. 40、岁月的河流上,会流走很多很多。相逢时的那片红叶,也会褪色吗? Years of the river, will flow away a lot. Will the red leaf fade when we meet? 41、朋友间的不和,就是敌人进攻的机会。 Discord between friends is an opportunity for the enemy to attack. 42、我们虽然没有出生入死,但我们永远都是情同手足的兄弟。 Although we are brothers forever, we are not brothers. 43、我会忽视掉你的缺点,即使大家都在说你坏话我也不会参与其中,因为我把你当姐妹。 I will ignore your shortcomings, even if everyone is saying bad things about you, I will not participate in it, because I treat you as a sister. 44、很多我们以为一辈子都不会忘记的事情,就在我们念念不忘的日子里,被我们遗忘了。 A lot of things that we think we will never forget in our lifetime are forgotten by us in the days that we never forget. 45、她会骂你,却会为你擦泪。 She will scold you, but she will wipe your tears. 46、朋友不一定会替你承受所有的痛苦,但她一定会在你最需要的时候陪在你身边。 A friend may not bear all the pain for you, but she will be by your side when you need it most. 47、渐渐都有新朋友,多久没有并肩走。 How long do you have new friends. 48、友谊如蜜糖,我们一同品尝,甜蜜一滴滴渗入心田。 Friendship is like honey. Let's taste it together. Every drop of sweetness seeps into our hearts. 49、闺蜜,归觅,本已归,又亦寻,寻出一段段绵长,寻出一丝丝情谊。 My best friend, return to find, return to, also find, find out a long period, find out a trace of friendship. 50、好朋友就像是星星,你不一定总是能见到他们,但你知道他们会一直在那里。 Good friends are like stars. You don't always see them, but you know they will always be there.






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